no header
Men of Valor
no cover
Release date: 2004. жовтня 29.

Men of Valor вимоги до системи

Мінімальні вимоги:

1.3 GHz Intel(c) Pentium(c) 4 or AMD(c) Athlon(tm) processor or equivalent
256 MB RAM
DirectX(c) 9.0c-compliant 64 MB 3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support
DirectX® 9.0c (included)
Microsoft(c) Windows(c) 98/Me/2000/XP operating system
3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
DirectX®-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
4X CD-ROM drive
Broadband/LAN, DSL or faster Internet connection for online play

Рекомендовані вимоги:

2.8 GHz Intel(c) Pentium(c) 4 or AMD(c) Athlon(tm) or faster processor
512 MB RAM or more
ATI(c) Radeon(tm) 9600 or NVIDIA(c) GeForce 5700 DirectX(c) 9.0c compliant 128 MB 3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support or equivalent
DirectX® 9.0c (included)
Microsoft(c) Windows(c) XP
3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
DirectX®-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
24X or faster CD-ROM drive
For Dedicated Multiplayer Server: Broadband connection for 12 player maximum, T1 connection for 24 player maximum.
Периферійний: Microsoft®-compatible mouse, keyboard
NOTE: The following 32MB or greater 3D accelerators are not fully
supported and do not work properly with the game:

-Nvidia MX series
These older cards yield a frame rate that is often
below 10 frames per second even at the lowest video
settings. It has no support for pixel shaders.
-Nvidia Quadro series
-Matrox Parhelia cards:
Video Logic PowerVR Neon 250
-S3 Savage 2000 cards:
Diamond Viper II
-S3 Savage 4 cards:
Diamond Stealth III S540
Diamond Stealth III S540 Extreme
-SiS Sabre cards

The following sound card isn't supported:
-Ensoniq SoundScape PNP

The following sound cards have known problems:
-Diamond Monster Sound MX 400
Requires turning off "DirectSound Acceleration" in the
driver. See the detailed explanation under
-Creative Labs Audigy
Currently hardware acceleration for this card does not
work correctly.
There are only official system requirements on the site which are released by developers or an official publisher.
Making a comparison is not available for this game.
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