Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition
Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition cover
Release date: 1996. січня 29.

Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition вимоги до системи

Мінімальні вимоги:

16Mb of memory
8 megabytes of memory and VGA graphics
The following sound cards/devices are optionally supported for music: Gravis UltraSound, Sound Blaster (all of them), SoundMan16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, Waveblaster, Sound Canvas, Adlib, and General MIDI. The following sound cards/devices are optionally supported for sound effects: Sound Blaster (all of them), Gravis UltraSound, SoundMan16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, Disney/Tandy Sound Sources. There is no support for the PC Speaker.
For the SVGA modes, a VESA compliant video card is required. Please see your video card's manual for info on how to find out if your card is VESA compliant. If yours is not VESA compliant, you will need to use a software driver to provide this compliance.
Периферійний: For game play, the following devices are optionally supported: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Gravis Gamepad.
NOTE: Duke Nukem 3D is a DOS game.
There are only official system requirements on the site which are released by developers or an official publisher.
Making a comparison is not available for this game.
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