Anno 1503
Anno 1503 cover
Release date: 2003. березня 23.
Genre: Strategy, RTS, City builder
Developer: Max Design
Publisher: Sunflowers Interactive

Anno 1503 вимоги до системи

Мінімальні вимоги:

Pentium-II 500 MHz processor
128 MB RAM
16MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card
DirectX 8.1
Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
930 MB hard drive space
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
8 speed CD-ROM drive
Периферійний: keyboard, and mouse
NOTE: On huge, highly developed maps, the game is capable of swallowing 2GHz worth of processing 'power' and still running slowly. However, basic gameplay, campaign and scenarios will not experience this, only custom maps such as Metropol and Gigapol, where the aim is basically to push the game to its limits and build ridiculously large cities.
There are only official system requirements on the site which are released by developers or an official publisher.
Making a comparison is not available for this game.
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