Football Manager 2010
Football Manager 2010 cover
Release date: 2009. listopada 03.
Genre: Simulation, Sports
Developer: Sports Interactive
Publisher: SEGA

Football Manager 2010 wymagania systemowe

Wymagania minimalne:

Supported processors include Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, and AMD Athlon. 1.4 GHz or faster required when running Windows XP, 2.0 GHz or faster required when running Windows Vista or 7
512 MB RAM when running Windows XP, 1.0 GB RAM when running Windows Vista
128 MB video card with the following supported chipsets: Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater. Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
DirectX 9.0c (included)
Windows XP, Vista or 7
2 GB free space
LAN: TCP/IP compliant
Peryferyjne: Keyboard, mouse
There are only official system requirements on the site which are released by developers or an official publisher.
Making a comparison is not available for this game.
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